
Development of tools and benches

HEMERIA’s activities on numerous, sometimes complex, electronic systems, has led us to develop our own test benches and tools to validate and qualify the performance of an equipment item.

HEMERIA has developed this expertise both for its own products that it markets, but also to diagnose and validate the correct operation of third-party non-HEMERIA equipment entrusted to it for repair and maintenance.

HEMERIA thus provides this test bench and tools development service for its customers in the Defense and Space sectors looking to be able to carry out internal validation of products coming off the production line, perform a complex functional tests process on an equipment item, or develop a specific tool for older equipment, for which neither tools nor bench exist.

Next case

Development of user-friendly software, real-time embedded software and secure software.

HEMERIA has a competence center to develop critical, real-time embedded software. Its know-how is applied to the production of lower layers of complex software, to the production of application software that must meet security requirements, and to the upgrading of existing software (including a reverse-engineering process).

This site is registered on as a development site.